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What's in My Tap Water?


What's in My Tap Water?

When you’re washing your hands or brushing your teeth, you probably rarely pay mind to the quality of the water coming out of the faucet. Few homeowners are aware of the mineral makeup of hard water and the consequences that can go with it.

You may have heard of the terms “soft water” and “hard water” in the past, but what are the differences between the two? We’re here to educate you on the harmful effects of hard water and how you can manage your home’s water quality! Keep reading to learn more.

The Differences Between Soft and Hard Water

Not all water is the same! You’ve probably noticed the difference in taste between bottled, filtered, and tap water, but what creates the difference? Minerals! Hard water is essentially a water supply filled with excessive amounts of calcium and magnesium. The higher percentage of these minerals, the more “hard” the water is considered to be. While calcium and magnesium are crucial to daily health, they serve no positive purpose for water usage.

If you aren’t actively taking care of your home’s water quality, your home likely has hard water. Hard water exists in most of the United States, so you’re not the only homeowner battling this mineral menace. While hard water can be harsh on your hair, skin, and appliances, it is manageable.

On the flip side, soft water is free of excessive minerals that could impact your appliances and your personal hygiene. In fact, it’s more gentle on your plumbing fixtures and body. In addition, the absence of excessive minerals allows for soap to work more effectively than hard water suds.

Hard Water and Your Skin

If you struggle with dry skin, you’ll want to avoid as much contact with hard water as possible. No matter how many creams, gels, lotions, or moisturizers you apply, it will be difficult to counteract the drying effects of hard water.

Hard water can leave an uncomfortable residue on your skin and hair after a wash. Hair may also feel more brittle, and your skin may feel especially parched from the onset of minerals.

Hard Water and Your Hair

You work hard to maintain your luscious locks, so don’t let hard water ruin your progress! Unfortunately, the most nourishing hair mask won’t stand a chance against the long-term negative effects of hard water on your hair. Its harsh minerals will strip your hair of any natural oils and texture. Keep your hair soft and clean by contacting our team for expert water quality services!

Hard Water and Your Appliances

If you’ve ever accidentally splashed water on your faucet, coffee maker, or other kitchen appliances and noticed spots of scale left behind, you’ve got a hard water problem. Hard water can attack all and any appliances, impacting their effectiveness.

Even some of your most essential chores can be impacted by hard water. Keep an eye out for mineral particles inside of appliances like the dishwasher or washing machines. When hard water is exposed to heat, calcium deposits begin to build, which can shorten your appliance’s lifespan.

Hard Water and Your Clothes

There’s nothing worse than washing your favorite new t-shirt and discovering that the majority of its vibrant colors have washed away. Sadly, homes with hard water are destined to face the consequences of faded denim and dull blouses. With an excessive mineral count in hard water, washing your clothes with it is a surefire way to leave your clothes with a layer of scum and dullness.

Water Quality in Sarasota

Arctic Air Home Services is here to help you manage your home’s water quality! Take the first step towards shinier hair, cleaner appliances, and brighter clothing by reaching out to our team today. We’ll be happy to discuss our water quality solutions with you and discover the best option for your home.

Contact us today at (941) 283-7532 for more information.