HVAC Maintenance Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

If you want lower utility bills and uninterrupted comfort, the secret is HVAC maintenance. With some planning and preparation, you’ll be confident that your air conditioner is ready to cruise through Sarasota’s unrelenting summer heat. Start the cooling season on the right foot by completing these simple tasks.

Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips for Energy Savings

  • Change your AC filter, and stock up on replacements. Clogged filters increase your air conditioner’s energy use by 15 percent, and they lower your air quality. Inspect the filter monthly even if it’s designed to last longer.
  • Vacuum your return vents for improved efficiency and airflow. Your AC system deserves a spring cleaning too. Make sure that the vents are open and free of obstructions.
  • In Sarasota and Central Florida, it’s important to block out the searing summer sun. Spring is the perfect time to put up light-colored or reflective window coverings that eliminate 30 to 70 percent of solar heat gains.
  • Set your ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise during the summer. Fans let you raise the thermostat by 2 to 4 degrees and lower your cooling bills by 5 to 15 percent.
  • Replace your thermostat batteries every spring or fall. Failing batteries can make your cooling system behave unexpectedly even though it’s not likely to cause damage.
  • Efficiency is all about airflow. For optimal performance, trim vegetation so that the unit has several feet of clearance on each side. To remove pollen, wash the coil fins using a garden hose.
  • Schedule AC tune-ups every spring, or sign up for an annual service agreement with Arctic Air Services. Preventive maintenance cuts the frequency of breakdowns in half while slashing your utility bills.

Preseason AC Maintenance in Sarasota, FL

To help your air conditioner perform more efficiently this summer, call Arctic Air Services, Inc. at (941) 757-8282. You can also learn more about the benefits of preventive maintenance on our website. We perform comprehensive AC tune-ups for customers from Bradenton to Venice and cities in between.
