Chlorodifluoromethane, commonly known as R-22, is a chemical compound used for refrigeration purposes. Although numerous home cooling systems contain this gaseous substance, R-22 reliance is currently being phased out in the United States due to its hazardous environmental impact.
When released in bulk quantities, this chemical causes ozone depletion and significantly increases the risks of global climate change. In fact, R-22 emission — among other hydrofluorocarbon compounds (HFC) — can be 10,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide, per ounce.
To counteract these ozone effects, the Montreal Protocol — an international treaty that promotes the disuse of harmful substances — will mandate reduced “consumption of HFCs by 99.5% below the U.S. baseline” by 2020. Recycled or reclaimed refrigerants will be permitted, but after the deadline, chemical manufacturers cannot produce R-22 for air conditioner maintenance.
In response to this phase-out, corporations and government agencies are developing more eco-friendly coolants. Since 2010, the Obama Administration has partnered with companies to avoid R-22 environmental leakage from houses, cars or offices. These voluntary participants represent a chemical manufacturing coalition that comprises 95% of U.S. HFC production.
The current leading R-22 alternative in residential HVAC equipment is called R-410A, and this refrigerant provides effective home ventilation without contributing to ozone depletion.
As the government decreases R-22 production over these next several years, homeowners who still utilize this chemical coolant will experience a dramatic upsurge in A/C servicing costs. Moreover, since these outmoded units were taken off the market in 2010, basic R-22 maintenance parts have become increasingly scarce — for both commercial and residential purposes.
Conversely, installing an R-410A air conditioner offers numerous benefits to both consumers and the atmosphere they breathe. This refrigerant does not cause ozone depletion, and HVAC machinery that operates on R-410A earns a higher Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating than its noxious counterpart. So, if your A/C unit’s nameplate or owner manual identifies it as “R-22,” seriously consider upgrading to the safer and more efficient “R-410A” model.
Ask yourself the question — “Does my household contribute to environmental protection, or is my ventilation system wasting energy and releasing harmful fumes into the atmosphere?”
Questions about upgrading your air conditioner? Interested in learning more about energy efficiency? Call Arctic Air Home Services today at (941) 757-8282 to speak with one of our Sarasota air conditioning experts.
About the Author:
Frankie Rendon, the former digital marketer/PR guy for Arctic Air Home Services, collaborates with publications to ensure that the content he plays a part in creating is given its time to shine. He studied at the University of Delaware and, after relocating to Tampa, received his B.A. in Public Relations from the University of South Florida.